Sunday, October 23, 2011


Yesterday I attended a one day introduction to beekeeping seminar designed to help one decide if this is something one wants to do and to know enough to put in orders and obtain needed supplies so one is ready to open operations in April if the answer is yes. My answer is very likely yes. This is the wonderful group I have joined:

I am fond of insects in general but especially fond of pollinators. I'm a gardener who uses Integrated Pest Management. I'm retired and looking for new interests. I'm one of those crazies who pet bees. Honey bees often do better in garden apiaries than they do in the commercial, migratory operations. The group that put on this presentation was full of funny, bright and personable people. I joined the club today. They have an equipment loan program for members for the honey extractors. They hook new-BEEs up with a mentor who will work with the newbie one on one while installing bees in their first hive and while doing the first hive inspection. My county recently cleared up zoning questions leaving it clear I am unencumbered in that way. I'm told the nectar flow is good in Maryland and our disease problems are manageable. Importantly too, DH doesn't seem to object.

One of my concerns is the weight of the hives as they must be moved in order to inspect the colony. I was happy to learn there are options that reduce the weight of each element. The hive bodies come in 3 sizes as far as height goes and 2 sizes as far as the number of frames go. I will likely limit my sizes to medium boxes for brood and shallow boxes for honey storage. I will also go with 8 frames per box instead of 10.

The investment is not trivial. The hive itself, the workers and the queen, the protection gear for inspection and working the hive and misc. items like smokers and "hive tools". Still, it is less than many pets and way less than therapy. I will take another course 2.5 hours one day a week for 6 weeks, called "The Short Course" this winter and go to monthly meetings meanwhile. For now I'll review my notes, start reading, and Google a bunch of things I noted for that purpose today.

I really like having a new subject to study.


M.K. said...

Good for you!! Bees are a lot of fun. Post again when you start up your hives :)

momomom said...

Hi MK, I sure will and probably a lot between. I'm really liking the top bar type right now but have much learning to do.